The Amsterdam citydistrict Westerpark has not only tried to cover up the repeated group-rape, but also two group-sexual assault cases of other victims in de Spaarndammerbuurt.
Recently it became publicly known how a 13-year old girl was (as it now seems) repeatedly raped by a group consiting mostly of Moroccan boys, about two years ago, and how the district tried to keep these events hidden from the public. Only some "key-persons" from the district were informed with a "carefully directed communication-stream". As it turns out the district choose to completely hide two group-sexual assaults in the same period from the public.
This is stated in the "Eindevaluatierapport zedenzaak Westerpark" (Final evaluationrapport sexual misconduct Westerpark) that the disctrict counsil had ordered to be made. This rapport made apparent that in the same period as the group-rape two more sexual assaults and public violence were comitted, supposedly by two groups of four boys (mostly Moroccan). citydistrictchairman M. Voster (PvdA) confirmed yesterday that there was more going on. "That's right. Just like there are other incidents were the inhabitants of the district have not been informed about. Because these sort of things happen a lot more often".
After the district discovered that the youths involed were others than the ones who comitted the group-rape of the 13 year old (mentally chanllenged) girl, the sexual assaults were "put aside", according to Voster. "Well, they (the perpetrators) were young, early-teenagers." According to Voster it is "policy" not to inform the neigborhood about group-rapes comitted by childeren with mostly a Moroccan backgrounds. "Because it happens a lot recently. That is the reality." The police was not available for comment yesterday.
Abused Girl Tessa Forced Into Psychatric Care
(from 23 nov,
ROTTERDAM - The mentally challenged girl Tessa (15), who was (repeatedly) raped by a group of 14 boys, aging 9 to 16 years, in the Amsterdam citydistrict Westerpark in the final months of 1999, has been ordered to be taken into a closed mental institution by the court.
According to the mental institution that holds parenthood of the girl, the William Schrikkersstichting (Schrikkerfoundation) in Diemen, Tessa has been taken into a so called "crisisplace". She was being hold there because of a suicide attempt the girl has comitted on 18 oktober 2001 and the fact that she keeps wounding herself with pieces of glass.
A week ago it became public, thanks to "de Telegraaf", that the citydistrict Westerpark knowingly tried to cover up the group-rape "not to cause public unrest". And while the citydistrict made sure that the "convicted" rapists were being helped by professionals, the girl and her fosterparents were "sort of" neglected.
According to a spokesman from the Schikkersstichting is Tessa still "displaying suicidal tendencies". She has had agressive moods before, but never that serious that she had to be treated in psychatric hospital. "But in the last few months her behaviour has become worse. Tessa has gone thru horrible things; now her behaviour indicates that a volcano is finally about to explode".
The fosterpartent of Tessa, Peggy Termonen the mother), is frusteratedabout the forced placement of Tessa in the mental institution, location Noorderzand van Rijksinrichting (Federal institution) in Heerhugowaard. "It's like a jail there, she isn't allowed to go outside, and I'm not allowed to call her."
Noorderzand is a former woman's prison that is now in use as a "crisisplace" for 30 girls, who "seem to be going down mentally", as it is stated on the website of the foundation. "During her stay she is being observed and she is exposed to a psychologic evaluation to find out what kind of treatment the girl needs."
According to the fosterparent Peggy Termonen that is the problem right now" "They are only observing Tessa, instead of treating her." Termonen also stated that earlier observation has revealed that if Tessa was to be placed in an "othopedic careinstitution", she would progress much better, because they use a "reward orientated treatment" were she will gain from fysically and mentally. "She is beautiful and sweet, but she's being wrecked by all this." There currently is no room in any othopedic instutution for her.
The Schrikkerstichting says Tessa is being treated, but not to help her recover mentally from the group-rape. "To do this, she has to be mentally stable, and that she isn't". Also the Schrikkerstichting admits there "is too little caretaking" for Tessa. Peggy Termonen accused the Schrikkerstichting of total failure in this matter. The Schrikkerstichting denies the accusations, although it admits that there will be an internal investigation about the situation.